
The Mission

It was all over the news. Seven attacks, no survivors. A monster was terrorizing the town. It was creating a town of hermits because people feared for their lives if they left their homes. Something had to be done, but not even the police were willing to face the beast.

Daniel and I were having dinner with Wesley and Ryan when Channel 3 News reported another killing. I don’t know how this decision was made, but they decided that we were going to take on the monster ourselves.Wesley had a huge gun and Daniel had a spear. Ryan walked into the room carrying something that looked like a one of those home defense bug killing sprays you can buy at Lowes. We all gave him a puzzled look so he read the label for us, “Monsteriside: Kills on Contact.” Sounds good to me.

Apparently, they didn’t think it was safe for me to use a weapon. They filled my backpack with water bottles.

We sent word out into the world about our plans. We didn’t expect to get word back, much less word that someone wanted to meet up with us and help. A man wanted to join us on our way and offer his expertise on monster killing. He had been a big deal in the military at some point in his life. His name was Johnny Depp.

Johnny Depp was very intense. He was extremely focused on killing the monster. He took over our operation and led us right to the beast. It was standing in the middle of a lake watching a group of college students playing near the shore.

The beast was much larger than I could have ever imagined. It was salivating and its tail was twitching in anticipation.

I was busy trying to think of excuses for us to leave. They all ended up sounding lame. Johnny interupted my thinking to give us all orders. My job was to hide in the bushes. Easy enough.

I don’t really remember what happened after that. All I know is we celebrated. We must have saved the world!

1 comment:

  1. How am I just now finding your blog? This stuff is great!
