

one blog post

one blog


The Mission

It was all over the news. Seven attacks, no survivors. A monster was terrorizing the town. It was creating a town of hermits because people feared for their lives if they left their homes. Something had to be done, but not even the police were willing to face the beast.

Daniel and I were having dinner with Wesley and Ryan when Channel 3 News reported another killing. I don’t know how this decision was made, but they decided that we were going to take on the monster ourselves.Wesley had a huge gun and Daniel had a spear. Ryan walked into the room carrying something that looked like a one of those home defense bug killing sprays you can buy at Lowes. We all gave him a puzzled look so he read the label for us, “Monsteriside: Kills on Contact.” Sounds good to me.

Apparently, they didn’t think it was safe for me to use a weapon. They filled my backpack with water bottles.

We sent word out into the world about our plans. We didn’t expect to get word back, much less word that someone wanted to meet up with us and help. A man wanted to join us on our way and offer his expertise on monster killing. He had been a big deal in the military at some point in his life. His name was Johnny Depp.

Johnny Depp was very intense. He was extremely focused on killing the monster. He took over our operation and led us right to the beast. It was standing in the middle of a lake watching a group of college students playing near the shore.

The beast was much larger than I could have ever imagined. It was salivating and its tail was twitching in anticipation.

I was busy trying to think of excuses for us to leave. They all ended up sounding lame. Johnny interupted my thinking to give us all orders. My job was to hide in the bushes. Easy enough.

I don’t really remember what happened after that. All I know is we celebrated. We must have saved the world!


It's Easy. Really.

Interested in saving money on groceries? Use www.southernsavers.com/ and you will! I just had to share this site because it really simplifies the process of getting a great deal!

They have all the major southern grocery stores, drugstores and even Target! So far, I have used the site for shopping at Bloom, Harris Teeter, and Lowes Foods.

Instead of trying to describe it all, I am going to show you how Southern Savers made the most of my visit to Harris Teeter ‘Super Doubles’ (where they double coupons of $1.98 or less). Note: My example is for a grocery store special event, but Southern Savers saves you money by finding the best deals on non-event weeks too!

I clicked the Harris Teeter tab at the top and the top entry was for the deals of the week. There you find all the deals at HT and the corresponding coupons, if there are any. You will notice that a lot of the deals have printable coupons, so if you don’t have coupon cut from a newspaper or something, no worries! Print it right there!

As you go through the (wonderfully long) list of deals, you can click in the boxes on the left and when you are finished it produces a list for you to print and take to the store. How easy? You don’t even have to write anything down! (You can also print it without the coupon info.)

I also purchased some items that were not listed on Southern Savers because they were not on sale. I just used coupons for those. You just have to take your coupons to the store and make the call there. Are they a good deal? Some stores (HT and Lowes Foods for example) have websites where you can order groceries online. I just use these sites to see the price of items I have coupons for. It’s easier than hunting the items down in the store.

I paid $24.01 for all these items. Full price these groceries would be $61.77!
(Granted, that is Harris Teeter prices, but still a great deal!)
61% off
(There are 2 Barilla Pastas there; you can’t really see the back one)

So Readers, try it out! What have you got to lose?

A big Thank You to Southern Savers creator Jenny and to the people of www.southernsavers.com!



Laundry. Nobody wants to do it, and yet it must be done.

Some things make doing laundry easier- having a load of only towels or sheets for instance. There can be satisfaction when you are able to remove a really bad stain. Furthermore, there is the anticipation of the sense of accomplishment you will feel when it is all finished.

Mostly though, doing laundry stinks. Stains don’t come out. Nice clothes get wrinkled. And once in awhile I think we all have that load in the washer that we forget about and is sour when we finally remember. But the most annoying thing about laundry is the fact that when you think it is over, new clothes start appearing in the basket.

I recently had a dream about doing laundry. Already hooked? I thought so.

I was in some sort of public laundry room, not a laundry mat; there was only one washer and one dryer. It was dark and seemed unfriendly. I couldn’t wait to get out of there.

“Almost finished?” asked a quiet voice
near the door. “Getting close,” I answered without looking. “The washer is empty if you would like to start.”

For some reason, my clothes weren’t getting dry. I opened the dryer door to rearrange the clothes and the voice spoke again. “Finished now?” “No, I am just rearranging the clothes so...” I began, talking into the dryer. He interrupted, “I really need you to finish up.” Startled by the boldness of this stranger I looked up. “Would you accept my assistance?” asked Lord Voldemort.
(Lord Voldemort is the super evil villain wizard in the Harry Potter books also referred to as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named). “Umm... no... thank you for offering though...” I stammered.

I couldn’t let him know that I know who he is. I didn’t want to act afraid. I just wanted to finish my laundry and get out. From the corner of my eye I saw him moving. He walked toward me, wand drawn. My heart stopped and then restarted beating rapidly. What did he want with me? I had done nothing to upset him!

I stood up to face him and he smiled. “I insist.” He pointed his want at the dryer and the clothes were dry. “Thank you,” I murmured in the midst of a nervous breakdown. I stepped toward the
dryer and he put his gross, long fingernailed hand on my shoulder stopping me. He spoke in a flat voice, “What kind of friend would I be if I left you with the worst part yet to be done?” Another flick of the wand and the clothes were flying towards the table folding themselves mid-air.

“Let’s go,” he said. We walked out the door leaving the laundry behind.

Is it worth it to build a friendship with Voldemort in order to have low-hassle laundry experiences? Well, probably not. But I can’t say that it’s not enticing...


The Incredible Hulk

Why is it that when we wake up we remember (if we do in fact remember) being scared or being excited or being part of an intricate story? Why sometimes do we wake up not feeling rested because we have been running around in our brains all night? There are several theories on why we dream and I want to share a couple as an introduction to my new blog.

One theory is the activation-synthesis theory of dreams. Basically, neurons fire in your brain causing different sensations or experiences in your dream. For instance, if neurons fire in the area of your brain that deals with balance you may dream of falling. The brain is trying to make sense of neural activity. (Makes me think of how people say that when you dream of falling you always wake up before you land because if you didn’t you would die... ha ha)

Another theory is the computer model of dreams. It says that sleep is the time your brain gets cleaned up and better organized. During sleep all the junk you don’t really need gets thrown out and important things get filed with other memories. Dreams serve to clean up the clutter in the mind. This model also says that REM sleep is important for you to retain things you are learning. So if you are trying to learn something difficult, make sure and get some rest!!

I am not a neuro-scientist or even a brain knowledge junkie, but both these theories on dreaming seem like they could plausibly be contributing to some people’s dreams... but my dreams are so wild that it just doesn’t make sense that these theories could explain them. From time to time though, even I have a purposeful dream.

I think that sometimes God gets in your brain and starts firing neurons or doing what he needs to do to show you something. It’s happened to me. Most recently I had a dream that someone was working against me to make me look bad, possibly bad enough to really damage my credibility. I found out two days later that my dream was exactly true. Wow.

Like I was saying, most of my dreams though are so wildly random that I have no idea how to explain their cause. However, I can tell you about them and that is one reason I decided to start this blog. Let’s begin...

I signed up to compete in a race through an obstacle course. On the way to the race, I was a little bit anxious about how I was going to perform. Would I look like a fool? Would I finish last? Would I trip and fall? I AM pretty klutzy!

When I arrived and took in the competition I knew I was going to win. It would be no contest. I was surrounded by a few somewhat fit looking people, some really old people and a few people who were having problems just walking. I also felt stronger than I would in real life- like I could run faster and jump higher.

At the height of cockiness I got put in check. In walks Lou Ferrigno. For those of you who don’t know who he is (and I am not sure why I know...) he is best known for playing The Incredible Hulk. He walked over and with a kind look on his face said, “I guess this is really only between us.” Oh no... I don’t stand a chance. I smiled and then he put his hand on my shoulder and sincerely wished me good luck.

The race began. There were many different obstacles. Some like military training exercises and some like football practice drills. It was difficult, but not too much for the faster, stronger me. I found myself neck and neck with Lou with only one other contestant, a woman, within sight behind us. I could actually pull this off.

It was close the entire race. But in the end, I was beaten by less than a second. I was so proud of my finish. Lou walked up to me and said, “You better hit the showers because you gotta get out of here.”

Sigmund Freud’s theory of dreams suggested that dreams are representations of unconscious thoughts and desires. In his book The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud wrote that dreams are "...disguised fulfillments of repressed wishes." What part of me secretly wishes to race The Hulk? I have NO idea. Apparently I have a need for some tough competition!